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Обо мне

Don't be afraid to talk about your emotions. Learn to communicate and share your feelings with each other. Openness and honesty will allow you to better understand each other and appreciate the emotional component of problems.Don't forget your listening skills. Listen to your partner, ask questions to better understand their point of view, show empathy and sympathy.Assume that your understanding of each other may be different. Avoid judgmental statements, use "I-messages" instead of "you messages."Don't forget non-verbal forms of communication. Pay attention to your partner's gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice. This will allow you to understand him or her on a deep level. Interpret your partner's words and actions in terms of their context. You may have different life values, stereotypes and certain events that have played an important role in your partner's perception. Remember to factor this into your perception.Start the dialog on a positive note. Remember that mood affects how words are percei

Кого ищу

The top ten most important male qualities are: kindness (17%), intelligence (16%), decency (15%), honesty (14%), masculinity (13%), faithfulness (30%), attentiveness and respect for women . (12%), efficiency (10%), responsibility (9%) and that (136%) a man must be


North Augusta, Южная Каролина

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нет, но хотелось бы


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