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Обо мне

I am from United States of America. I am a handsome and very intelligent and humane. I love travelling for businesses and social work, dancing, reading Novels, Watching Movies. I love beautiful women who knows what is love and ready to give real love.

Кого ищу

I am looking for a beautiful and good looking woman. She should know how to love a man, should know love and the real meaning of love. An adorable woman who will make me happy and I will be proud of her, and should be there for her at all time. She will be ready to embrace me with pure love. Love grows by giving. The love we give away is the only love we keep. The only way to retain love is to give it away.


Jacksonville, Флорида

Знакомлюсь для

флирта, любви и романтики, cерьезных отношений

Семейное положение

не состою в браке


не курю


изредка в компаниях



хорошо зарабатываю / обеспечен


отдельная квартира

Наличие автомобиля


Знание языков
