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Обо мне

One half of my life is as a businessman, and the other half as a Bible teacher.

So much of Christianity has been defiled and tainted with secular influences. Purity in doctrine, and the desire to constantly learn and be corrected by the written word, is very important to me.

As the husband, I would need to be a godly leader and head of the family, of course. And the chief duty of the husband is to make his wife his top priority, not himself and his secular interests. Her highest good, with regard to her mind, body and soul, will become my concern.

I am only interested in a woman who would be seriously committed to her husband and children, rather than treating marriage as a hobby, and continuing to make her own interests a priority. To me, marriage is not about fun first, but the most weighty promise: the promise made before the Lord that the "two" are now "one," and will be so until death separates them - divorce is NEVER an option. Of course, out of this union between the two there will also be much joy and the pleasures of this life.

Even though such truths are not so popular in our day, the Bible makes it clear that the highest calling, the most noble accomplishment for a woman who is married is to be a genuine success in taking care of her beloved family - in this she serves God.

My interests are varied. Music is very important to me, especially classical and Christian music. I have been singing most of my life, and had some training. I have been in choirs - even professional ones - performing classical and church music. I also play the guitar, and enjoy playing it and singing when I have the time. Reading and continuing to learn is also a major interest, and in the past 10+ years or so I have focused on gaining knowledge regarding health.

I enjoy cooking (when I have the time), and eating in a healthy manner is an ongoing goal.

Кого ищу

honest,caring,kindhearted and down to earth woman


Лос-Анджелес, Калифорния

Знакомлюсь для

любви и романтики, cерьезных отношений, другого

Семейное положение

не состою в браке


не курю


изредка в компаниях



хорошо зарабатываю / обеспечен


отдельная квартира

Наличие автомобиля


Знание языков

русский, английский, испанский


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